REFAD Long span glass footbridge

The project is 145m cable footbridge spanning between Hotel Tower and Offices’ Tower as per the REFAD Business Park Development. The bridge height is 75m above the ground and the bridge deck is a laminated glass. YMA has been appointed by the Main Consultant EHAF to provide full design services for the Long Span Bridge […]

Marina lagoon pedestrian bridge

A 100m Long Footbridge consist of three continuous spans of reinforced concrete box girder bridge across Marina Sea Canal.

Barrek extension bridge

The 180m long bridge consists of three traffic lanes and it is provided to enhance and to develop the highway connecting the south region to north region.

Shams central bridges Alreem Island

The Main Bridge was a 90m Roadway Bridge comprises three spans of 17.50m, 55.00m, and 17.50m. The two end spans are proposed as traditional deck bridge “ Voided Slab”.